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100° Single Flute Countersinks

Countersinks are available in 100°, 90°, 82° and 60° angles. They are available in 3 flute and single flute styles. Three flute tools tend to center the tool in portable use applications. The single flute style is not recommended for portable or handheld applications.

Decimal DiameterFractional DiameterMinimum Cut DiameterShank DiameterEDPPriceOrder
1.25001 1/40.1561/242840 $178.35
1.50001 1/20.1881/242848 $199.95
0.75003/40.1251/242824 $107.30
1.000010.1251/242832 $140.15
0.37503/80.0781/442812 $72.25
0.50001/20.0943/842816 $85.80
0.25001/40.0633/1642808 $72.25

Can't find the Carbide Tipped Countersinks you need?

If you cannot find the exact Countersinks you need to order online, we can build it for you. Just fill in a custom cutting tool form and fax it back to us at 941-465-4089. We will let you know how we can supply the Countersinks you need.

Thank you for buying your Carbide Tipped at CuttingToolDepot.