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ST Cone-Shape Countersink Burs 82˚

Available in Standard Cut and Double Cut styles. Picture shown may not show the exact cut style of the tool clicked on. See tool specs for specifics.

Decimal DiameterFractional DiameterCut StyleFlute LengthOverall LengthShank DiameterShank TypeTool Type Size NoEDPPriceOrder
0.50001/2 inDouble Cut1/4 in2-3/8 in1/4 inCPointed End0856221 $20.01
0.25001/4 inSingle Cut1/8 in2 in1/4 inAPointed End0856216 $12.24
0.25001/4 inDouble Cut1/8 in2 in1/4 inAPointed End0856217 $12.24
0.12501/8 inSingle Cut1/16 in1-1/2 in1/8 inAPointed End0855281 $6.20
0.12501/8 inDouble Cut1/16 in1-1/2 in1/8 inAPointed End0855283 $6.20
0.75003/4 inSingle Cut3/8 in2-9/16 in1/4 inCPointed End0856224 $33.05
0.75003/4 inDouble Cut3/8 in2-9/16 in1/4 inCPointed End0856225 $33.05
0.37503/8 inSingle Cut3/16 in2-5/16 in1/4 inCPointed End0856218 $14.89
0.37503/8 inDouble Cut3/16 in2-5/16 in1/4 inCPointed End0856219 $14.89
0.62505/8 inSingle Cut5/16 in2-1/2 in1/4 inCPointed End0856222 $26.06
0.62505/8 inDouble Cut5/16 in2-1/2 in1/4 inCPointed End0856223 $26.06
1.00001 inSingle Cut1/2 in2-11/16 in1/4 inCPointed End0856226 $53.33
1.00001 inDouble Cut1/2 in2-11/16 in1/4 inCPointed End0856227 $53.33
0.50001/2 inSingle Cut1/4 in2-3/8 in1/4 inCPointed End0856220 $20.01

Can't find the Bur Cone Shape Countersink Burs 82˚ you need?

If you cannot find the exact Cone Shape Countersink Burs 82˚ you need to order online, we can build it for you. Just fill in a custom cutting tool form and fax it back to us at 941-465-4089. We will let you know how we can supply the Cone Shape Countersink Burs 82˚ you need.

Thank you for buying your Bur at CuttingToolDepot.